About Me

 print("Hi! My name is Jongwon Jang")

    I'm a 3rd year student studying at Seneca College located in North York, Toronto and thrilled to study open source development with wonderful developers all around the world. I'm passionate about web development, especially using libraries such as React and currently exploring new tools and techs for back-end development. Also, I am planning to learn python in depth until the course ends and hoping I'll be good at it.

    I chose OSD600 over other courses, because I really wanted to know how programmers collaborate and learn how real life programming works. I've done several assignments during my studies, however, I only had this passive learning experience and wasn't actively searching and learning the things I really wanted to learn. I hope this opportunity will make me a better programmer than before. 

    Among countless trending repositories on Github, I picked a repo called "learn-python"( https://github.com/trekhleb/learn-python ). The reason why I chose this repo is because I wanted to go back to the basics and make sure I'm understanding python well enough. I will take some time to look through it and maybe make changes and have fun like the publisher wants us to do.


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